
The Truth About Elves

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The Truth About Elves

Before I begin to dispel any rumors you may have heard about elves, I would like to begin this lesson with a clean slate. Forget everything you think you know about elves, only then will the truth be allowed to sink in. Then, after you have read all I have to say, you can choose to go back to your fairy tales if you truly desire it.

The first thing that you should know about elves is that we are as variable in both looks and personality as humans. Sometimes even more so. In other words, I could sit here and describe each elf as an individual until the end of my days, if I had a mind to. For there are no universal definitions for elves as a collective. Each person is unique. They have their own opinions, personalities, beliefs, values, hearts, minds, and spirits, all of which are to be respected. Though I may intend to contradict myself in this matter, I would encourage you to keep this thought of individualism in mind as I continue this discussion further.

Secondly, there is the issue of elves being magical beings. Elves, by nature, are no more magical than humans. It takes a rare breed of elf to be capable of harnessing the inner-powers of the universe and an even more uncommon sort to learn them. Most don't have a care for it. Several terrible consequences arise whenever a mortal tampers with the forces of nature, no matter what race they belong to. Therefore, if you ever happen to meet an elf, I would advise you not to be so naive as to beg them for a magical trick, otherwise you are most likely to be considered a fool and entirely disappointed. If you wish to acquaintance a being of magical descent, go find yourself a faerie, but good luck finding one who will treat you courteously.

As to concerning age, I believe most rumors I have heard to be true. Elves do live exceedingly long lives, compared to humans, but that is only if they are given the chance. For, just as several human lives are cut short before their time is spent, the same goes for elves. In the end, they're still mortal beings.

Because of their long lives, I understand that several discriminations have been derived based on that one fact. For example, people say that elves are naturally wise. Well I have been acquainted with several elves who are far from what I would consider as being wise, or even intelligent. In fact, I would think I know more humans who are wiser than elves. I believe this is mostly because humans are, in general, faster learners and more accepting of new ideas. Elves, in general, prefer tradition to progress. So if anything, elves could be considered more stubborn than wise. Knowing how persuasive elves can be, I can easily see how these two traits can be confused.

I have also heard that humans often perceive elves as being smug. And this is where we begin to get into the differences of elven nature that have resulted from a divided kingdom. There are five different types of elves. Though we all look fairly similar, other than some various inherited genetics, each type has a very different way of life. Each possesses different teachings and celebrations, with different values and beliefs. Most of these are products of child-upraising. As I said, elves, for the most part, love tradition. And these traditions are passed down from parent to child throughout the generations. And each different type of elf carries a different sort of tradition.

Going back to the discrimination of "smug elves". I can not help but bring to mind the Sun Elves. If any type of elf is self-centered, it is the Sun Elves. They teach their poor, deluded children that elves are indeed the most superior of all beings, especially sun elves. Most sun elves I have met would try to convince you that their way of living is the most successful. They are a military-based nation who are ambitious and would have the entire world as their empire, if they could manage to take hold of it. They believe that their nation is the greatest and that they should share this greatness with the rest of the world. But these elves lead a blind life. In the eyes of other elves, these radicalized ideas are a disgrace to the elven race and an uproar to the balance of nature.

Speaking of nature, I understand that humans also intend to associate all elves with the natural world. That is also a trait that has been inspired from a particular type of elf. Though I do not see the Sun Elves caring for neither flora nor fauna (for they are too busy basking in their blood-spilt glories), the environment is a valuable thing among wood elves. The wood elves see nature as the most powerful force in all the world. One that is to be respected and preserved. Their celebrations are not centered on national victories, but on the changing of the seasons. The blessings that mother nature has bestowed upon them are their most cherished possessions. They give thanks to the animals and even plants that have been made to give them food, clothing, and protection. In my own opinion, I see wood elves to be the most honorable and wise, but of course that opinion is highly biased.

Friends to the wood elves and sworn enemies of the sun elves, are the night elves. These elves make their homes wherever there is plenty of water. They sleep during the day preferring to carry about their businesses during the cooler hours of the night. Because of this, they have terribly pale skin and sharp, bright eyes that can see much clearer at night than normal elves. Another trait that is found among night elves are their swift movements. The night elves constantly live in fear of their powerful enemies, the sun elves, who are always driving them further into the sea, so that some fear the diminishing night elves will eventually grow gills and turn into mermen. As a defense, the night elves have learned to be quick-witted and have stunning reflexes. They are able to act and assemble quickly. But this has also caused them to be quite a timid race, who are more likely to flee or hide from a battle rather than fight back.

A fourth type of elf come the storm elves. Nomadic by nature, these elves hate to stay in one place. They love exploring and learning about new things. Because of their curious nature they are the most knowledgeable type of elf and usually have an answer for just about anything, though the accuracy of these answers can be somewhat questionable. In times of war among elves, the Storm Elves usually side with those deemed most likely to win, which would, in most cases, be the Sun Elves. But despite this alliance, they are far from being loyal or reliable. The only thing you can be sure to expect when dealing with Storm Elves is the unexpected. For they 'tend to be as reckless as the wild, windy storms they are named for.

The final type of elf is considered to be the most sacred of all. In fact, these elves are so ancient, few in number, and all around magical-seeming that many don't believe they ever really existed. But they are known as Spirit Elves. More Spirit Elves have been known to become powerful magicians than any other type of elf. However, they also revered all life as sacred. Therefore, very few ever used their powers to harm others. They are well known for their ability to communicate with nature and the world around in them in way that other elves couldn't begin to imagine.

Now that I have spoken of all the elf types, I would like to address specific individuals for the purpose of this telling the story you are about to read.

Not all elves are graceful and lovely, not even princesses. This is especially true in the case of the only Sun Elf Princess of my generation. The cruel irony is that her name, Vanya, means "beautiful" in the elf-tongue. Being the only daughter in a family of seven children, she developed into a woman who acts as though she were born a man. I wouldn't doubt that sometimes she wishes she had been. If the all the negative traits that are to be despised about the sun elves were forged into one being, that person would be Vanya. She is ill-tempered, self-centered, and lacking of all amounts of compassion no matter how minuscule.

On the other hand, there are some princesses that seem to possess all the ideal characteristics a princess should. The type of princesses you often hear about in fairy tales. Beautiful, graceful, gentle, understanding, but most of all very capable of being loved. These are the words that describe my sister, Samura, in every way.

Everyone loves Samura. I have yet to meet a person who can bring themselves to sincerely admit they hate, or even dislike her. And I have met many hateful individuals. I could describe for hours, several things that are to be admired about my charming little sister, but only waste a few short minutes trying to point out her flaws. People always say that they can never see the resemblance between me and my sister. Often this hurts me, because my sister is so beautiful and full of commendable qualities. Standing next to her, I've always felt a bit plain.

It's not that I find myself unattractive. I am tall. Relatively thin, but I'm more than just skin and bones. I have long, straight, golden strands that flow half-way down my back. I've always thought my hair to be my best feature, along with my eyes were are a bright, emerald-green. My skin-tone is pleasantly tanned, it never burns and rarely bruises. I have been called "a pretty girl" by many polite people who are able to keep their eyes off of my sister's radiance long enough to look upon the future heir to the throne.

Yes, if you haven't guessed it yet, I am a princess. My name is Estelwen, a name meaning "hope". I am the eldest daughter of The Wood Elf-King Thalion. I may not be the prettiest or most fun-loving, but I have my virtues and are well aware of them. I just wish people (including myself) wouldn't compare me so much with Samura.

I have to admit, we are very different. If I was as steady and clear as a sunlit day, she would be as alluring and captivating as a moonlit night. I am the docile princess. Even when I was very young, I always did as I was told. I would study hard during the morning and afternoon hours, learning not only the general bits of knowledge a child should learn, but also things that would aid me as a ruler in the future, such as politics and military tactics. In this way I was privileged, for most women are scorned for having interest in such things. But one day, I will be co-ruler of my kingdom, alongside my husband. This is the one and only thing I have ever felt superior in towards my younger, more rambunctious sister.

Samura has never been fond of studying. It's not that she's never been fond of reading. She loves books, but only ones about myths and legends. Distant lands, daring heroes and their crazy adventures. She was what most people would politely call "a daydreamer". Because she lives in a world of fiction, she hardly takes anything seriously, which often can lead her into trouble, but her charming nature is more than enough to get out of it.

For one thing, she's gorgeous. She knows this and isn't too afraid to flaunt her good looks for what she believes to be a "noble cause". But she does have her prides and shames. This brings her to maintain a modest appearance, on most occasions, of which my worry-driven father is very thankful.

Long, wavy dark hair the color of rich earth, but whenever light touches it, the waves seem to capture the source, displaying a fiery glow. Almond-shaped eyes that at a first glance are dark, deep, and distant. Yet, on a closer inspection, they're a mixture of earthly tones that shimmer sweetly when she's sad and dance lively when she laughs, which I would swear, the girl must laugh at least a hundred times a day. No wonder the sound seems to be so finely perfected.

Samura's laugh is a distinctive sound that anyone who has known her for more than a day, can easily point out. If I had to give my sister a trademark, it would be her laugh. Honestly, it's more like a giggle, but quiet and low-pitched, like a gust of wind blowing gently through the inner-depths of an underground cave. It's a laughter so enchantingly sweet, it's seductive. I've seen many men fall in love with her hearing her laughter more than any other of her traits. And her glittery eyes and sweet smile doesn't hurt either.

If Samura hadn't been born a princess, who was betrothed at birth, I wouldn't be surprised if all the free-men at court (maybe even some of the not-so-free) would line up to court her.

As I said, I could write a complete book listing all of my sister's charms, but there are only two major flaws I can find in my sister and some may not even consider them to be flaws, for they are more accidental than purposeful.

The first is her gullibility. For some reason, my sister has gotten it into her head that the world possesses no evil. Therefore she is quick to trust and unaware that there are those who would seek to do a beautiful, innocent girl harm. I often have to be the mature, adult-figure and remind my naive sister that the world isn't all about rainbows and sunshine. That one day she will grow up and finally discover that life can be hard and cruel at times. Of course I never tell her, how truly worried I am that she won't be able to cope with herself when such a time comes.

The second is a trait she has seemed to have inherited from her mother. For you see, being half-sisters, the two of us were born to two different mothers. Our father's first wife, my mother, was forced into an arranged marriage. I never knew my mother. But it seems there were no feelings of romance or passion between her and my father. They simply married because my mother seemed the most suitable bride for a crowned-prince. But their marriage was short-lived. For my mother died giving birth to me. Of course my father mourned her death and rejoiced for my birth, as any good husband and father should, but after only a year after my mother's death, he remarried. And by the age of three I found myself with a baby half-sister, they named Samura, a name which means "daughter of life".

For ten years my step-mother and father raised my little sister and me. I could always tell there was something unusual about my step-mother. She was often staring off in the distance. Should would often tell Samura and me stories about far-off places, fairy tales of faeries, dragons, and other wondrous creatures. But despite her oddities, my father loved my step-mother. They could often be seen taking strolls in the garden. He was always smiling around her. How couldn't he? His second-wife was the most beautiful elf in all the land, as well as the most kind. She always said she loved me as if I were her own, but I always got the feeling they adored Samura so much more, because she was born from their happiness. I was just the leftovers from a forgotten memory.

Then one night, for no apparent reason at all, Samura's mother just up and vanished. No one knows where she went or why. She just left without saying a word to anyone. Samura was heartbroken. She locked herself in her room and didn't want to see anyone, not even me or Father. I could tell Father was trying to be strong as he tried to coax his youngest child from her room, but I think his wife's leaving had taken a heavier toll on him than my sister. I remember him announcing to everyone a few months later, with me and Samura both present. That he could never give his heart to anyone else. He refused to remarry, even for the sake of bearing an heir. Although I was only fifteen at the time, it was the biggest day of my life. That was the day I was pronounced the heir to the throne of our kingdom.

Twenty years later, my sister had grown up just like her mother, always staring in the distance and dreaming of far-away places. "One day, I'll run away to see them." She'd always say. Then whisper softly "Just like mom." Of course she'd only say these things to me and for those twenty years, I kept her dream a secret. It wasn't that I didn't take her seriously. I think, in the darkest depths of my heart, I wanted her gone. I had grown tired of always walking in the shadow of her perfection.

My sister has decided she's old enough to leave for a place neither of us has never been, the kingdom of the sun-elves. It's not a remarkably far distance, but far enough to make my father worry terribly. Of course he knew about it, everyone in the kingdom did. There was a huge ceremony to see her off and give her the best wishes as she made her journey. Her excuse was to learn about the other cultures of the elves, in hopes of serving her country as a sort of ambassador sometime in the distant future. Only her and I know her real intentions. She's running away, just like step-mother. And despite the love I've always felt being her big sister, I couldn't find a single reason to convince her not to go.

This is an introduction to my story "Elves of Royalty" a story about well... elves and royalty ^^;

The title of this is meant to be ironic (can you tell I love irony?), because it's not really a "truth" at all, but an oppinion. Which should tell you something about Estelwen's (the narrator's) character right off the bat. Which was kind of the idea ^^

It's longer (and kind of boring, but informative) than most of my intros, but anyway...

Enjoy : )
© 2010 - 2024 samuraXIV
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Lathrin's avatar
Impressive ^^.
So, is there a continuation?
also, any other information about the world besides the elves part? Although I figured elves are the main race in this story :P (Atleast from some hints XP)